Mesotherapy (Skin Booster)

A technique that uses micro needles to infuse the skin with essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids.


Prices from


Minute Treatment*

*minimum treatment time, some treatment options may require longer.

Treatment description

Mesotherapy is a skin boosting treatment, by where Fillmed NCTF135HA, a skin loving cocktail, containing 59 essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids Hyaluronic  Acid are superficially injected into the skin to feed, nourish and strengthen the skin .  This powerful results driven skin treatment uses both the Nappage and Nanosoft techniques.

Nappage creates thousands of tiny channels in the skin allowing for deeper penetration of the NCTF135HA cocktail that stimulates a healing response in the skin, resulting in collagen and elastin production.   The end result is firmer, plumper and a much healthier glowing skin.

Nanosoft is a specific needle that is used around the eye area, nasal labia folds and neck area.

Between the epidermal and dermal layer is where cell to cell communication occurs, this is also where our melanin is produced which makes this treatment perfect at reducing pigmentation and dark spots, under eye circles and increases overall skin health and wellbeing.

This treatment is amazing for anybody who has –

  • an impaired barrier that needs repairing
  • sensitivity and redness
  • tired, stressed and dehydrated skin

If you’re looking for a more radiant, smoother and brighter complexion with no pain or downtime then this is the perfect treatment for you.

A course of three is recommended every two weeks apart.

Individual treatment = £175

A course of three = £475

Recommended to have a treatment every 2 weeks.

Before your treatment stop using the following products and procedures:

  • Botox / Fillers
  • Waxing / Electrolysis / Depilatory creams (2 weeks prior)
  • Exfoliators that may be drying or irritating (2 weeks prior)
  • Products containing Retinol, AHA’s, BHA’s or Benzyl Peroxide (2 weeks)
  • Sunbathing
  • Self-immune topical treatments (2 weeks)
  • Treatments that produce skin hypersensitivity (4 weeks)

Please note:  This treatment is not suitable if you have any of the following conditions.

  • Open wounds, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin, dermatitis, inflammatory rosacea or active acne in the area to be treated.
  • A history of allergies, rashes or other skin reactions or may be sensitive to infection (please speak to us if unsure).
  • Active cold sores / herpes simplex.
  • Taken Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) within the last year.
  • A history of skin cancer, or received chemotherapy / radiation therapy in the last year.
  • Heart conditions, blood disorders or taking anti-coagulants.
  • Pregnant or breast feeding (lactating).

Please note:  In order to get maximum results from the course all the treatments need to be booked upfront and used within the time frame allocated.  Once the time frame has expired, any remaining ‘paid for’ treatments will be used at the discretion of the salon and the ‘free’ treatments become invalid .

Happy Clients!

Questions about a treatment? I’m here to help!

+44(0)7912 886612

It’s natural that you may have questions about a treatment. Feel free to contact us prior to a booking if you have query or need some advice about a treatment.

Claire x

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