A Non-Surgical Eye Lift (also known as blepharoplasty treatment) of either the upper hooded eye lid or lower eye area, is carried out by using plasma energy to shrink the top layer of the skin on the targeted area, resulting in instant tightening of the eyelids.
There are a variety of areas that can be treated with this treatment i.e upper and lower eye area, mouth area (smokers lines) and neck / chest area.
After a numbing cream is applied, the treatment is carried with the most precise precision. Immediately after the treatment the area is warm, red and slightly swollen and a number of tiny dark spots appear and last between 7-10days, as the skin begins to heal so the skin starts to contract, tighten and shrink.
Perfect for:
– reducing hooded eyelids
– minimising under eye bags
– smokers line
This is an amazing treatment and really does work, you need to be aware though that downtime is required for at least 7-10days afterwards and often 3 treatments are a required in order to benefit from maximum results. It is relatively pain free and is the best alternative treatment to going under the knife.
Course of 3 is recommended every 8 weeks apart (after 2 weeks of treatment other skin care treatments are ok).
Upper eye lid (hooded eye lid) – £300 (3 x £750)
Under eye bag – £200 (3 x £500)
Upper and Lower eye area- £400 (3 x £1000)
Smokers lines – £200
Neck and chest – £250